Friday 8 January 2021

Breaking more dishes

 I finished piecing all the HSTs into broken dishes; there are even more than I thought.

Broken Dishes unit

The dark ones make it much less pretty.

 I put them all in a bag and stirred them round before laying out.

This view includes the two spare star blocks. In the final arrangement I took them out. Now, looking at this, as I have only joined a few rows I think I shall leave one in.


Lesley Gilbert said...

Hello. I saw your comment on Wanda's blog (Ex. Color) that you were born in Yorkshire, so decided to check out your blog and see what sort of sewing you do. I've looked at your past few posts and I like your style so thought I would start following you. I clicked the follow link so hopefully I'll get notified whenever you post something new. Best wishes, Lesley

Quayquilter said...

Thank you very much for checking out my blog. I really keep it as a photographic record for me. I also used to illustrate steps for my U3A students and include lots of quilt related visits and sharing with groups of friends though this latter has ground to a halt lately so it's mainly my own work. It's nice to know of other people checking it out