Wednesday 9 December 2020

Work in progress

The block arrangement


Jan Hassard taught a Scintillating scraps workshop at Oast last year. We had to run two days. It's a simple block where the effect is created with value, 1 dark square and 8 dark triangles paired with 4 light and 4 dark triangles. The blocks are aligned differently alternately so a secondary pattern of interlaced medium and light lattice runs emerge.

 25 done, 11 to do

However I have made 2 sets of blocks. They are identical except the pressing  of each means the seams will nest and I have used different sets of fabric in each so that I shouldn't get the same fabrics next to each other. The block finishes at 9" and I have complete 37 Set A's and I am now making 36 Bs to make a quilt 8 by 9 blocks (one spare), 72" by 81". I probably won't add a border.

Beforehand I dealt out the various HSTs into 36 piles and am now just picking up a pile of the 9 pieces and arranging them. The HSTs were fun as each pair of fabrics was different and laying out the random blocks is fun too - I do have spare units if something really doesn't read as the correct value.

36 blocks worth of units


Julie Fukuda said...

I like this effect so much. I want to make a scrap quilt with all my florals and am wondering if this might work. Might be a bit harder than blocks made with just one dark and one light. Some of the mediums can be either or...

Quayquilter said...

Sometimes a fabric can be in a medium spot sometimes in a light.