Monday 9 May 2022

Coming shortly (fingers crossed)

 In the offing is my Kasbah Quilt. I have used the left overs on the back.

Back of Kasbah quilt

I sandwiched my Giant Nested Circles with Stash Table wadding because it (the  wadding) was white. I had quilted along the lines of the blocks before admitting my mistake.The wadding was at least 4oz weight and the whole thing impossibly heavy and bulky. I started weary unpicking but found I could just pull except at the intersections - by then I was past caring but no harm was done to the top in the process. The wadding has been put in the cupboard probably to use to make a cushion pad or two and it's back to the drawing board. I have a slightly crazy plan for the quilting but am quite gung ho about the whole thing now.

Offending wadding

Front and back slightly sticky after the
glue basting

The tablecloth quilt is shown before I sandwiched it. Now I'm about to add binding.

"Tablecloth" quilt" top

Meanwhile too I have ditch quilted the main seams of Appley Dappley and am now adding perle thread hand quilting to the blocks and sashing. I find this evening work in front of the TV very soothing and enjoyable.

I have been assigned a clutch of MorsBags to make for the local food bank so that's my first machine job once the binding has been attached to Appley Dappley.

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