Tuesday 30 April 2024

Norfolk retreat

 Despite cold and wet weather Familiar faces gathered at an unfamiliar venue, Ivy House Hotel, Lowestoft. We enjoyed friendly attention from the staff and super rooms and meals.

Lots of stuff got done and there was Show & Tell too.

From Chris:


Four of these Elizabeth Hartman
designs were completed  during
the 5 days

Lots from Julie:

There were lovely embroideries in the border

Hunter's Star - nice to see something completed
from a previous retreat.

Modern Christmas quilt

A beautiful subtle medallion

Monday 29 April 2024

Raffle Quilt Project

 I am overseeing the Quay Quilters' raffle quilt. I gaily offered at our last quilt show and now the time has come though the start is a bit delayed because the meeting place is having emergency work done. This is probably a good thing as it means the ceiling won't fall down on us and I have more time to make a sample block and cut out pieces.

I am employing my usual fussy cut 4 patch method with a bold Fassett Collective print.

The fabric 

4 identical layers, the strips cut into 5.75" squares and the first completed fourpatch trimmed to 10.5"

Completed block - 19 more to go.

Friday 26 April 2024

Lower Hardres

 We had a very good day at Lower Hardres as usual. I had a relaxing time hand quilting and chatting.

Maggie's completed African fish quilt started some time ago

Maggie again - stunning reworking of a Jen Kingwell medallion BOM project.

Sheila with a meticulously planned strippy project, lots of tiny pieces.

Tansy with a QuiltCon inspired modern quilt, very different from her  elaborate and beautiful traditional hand work. It was nice to do something quick for a change.

Sunday 7 April 2024

Top Done

The using up blue and yellow quilt top is complete and along with wadding and backing was handed to Maggie for quilting when we met at Lower Hardres. This is a definite indulgence as it's a giveaway/sale project  and it would have been straightforward to quilt but I would like to get on with other things.

I had planned 3 blocks by 4 but decided to stop at 9. I added the extra cut out HSTs to make a border bringing it up to 60" square.

First white frame border added

Ironed and ready to go with final pieced border

Although white backgrounds are ubiquitous I am not a fan and avoid them mostly and I don't seem to collect blues. I got rid of a pile at the stash sale.