Sunday 13 March 2022


 This written 21st March 21 but left as a draft so up it goes now.

Every so often the traditional quilt group section of the Quilters' Guild compiles a selection of small pieces on a set theme which will fit in a suitcase which can then be sent out to be displayed and shown. I do try to support it  though not with super fine pieces of needlework just some technique or other in designs and colour to fit the theme. This was my focus on getting back from FOQ. The theme this time is Seasons and I started with Spring and made Spring baskets.

Sandwiched and ready to quilt

I used the centre and leaf designs from the stencil

I machined in the ditch along major seams and then added hand quilting marking lines with a wash out felt tip using sections of a stencil. Disaster! Once stitched the drawn lines wouldn't wash out. It took washing by hand and machine with detergent, soap and Vanish to finally shift the marks. I usually test the marker first but assumed it was OK as I'd used this one before.

You can see the brown marks

I made a sleeve, just single thickness and attached it to the edge where it will be covered by the binding.

I had just watched a Jordan's Fabrics diamonds squared video which intrigued me. It was a bit like Hidden Wells but with with one strip square and one plain square placed right sides together, sewn all the way round the edge and then cut diagonally both ways into quarters

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