Sunday 26 December 2021

Cushions and cushion backs


I used Cherrywood fabrics for these two cushions to match the others on the kitchen chairs. The round and round one on the left is the Cherrywood version of one I did in a Quilters' Guild Region 8 Janet Bottomley improv. sampler workshop and the Drunkard's Path variations one on the right was done in a Region 2 Judi Kirk workshop using templates I bought from her.

I quilted each with black 80/20 wadding and a butter muslin back so the wadding wouldn't catch in the feed dogs.

Here is the back of the Janet Bottomley one.

I have always done zip closures on the backs of cushions and would turn over one half of the backing to cover the zip and somehow sew down the bit the zip didn't extend to. In the last couple of years I have learnt a couple of techniques to make for a much neater finish: zip tabs from various zip pouch tutorials including Mister Domestic's and a separate flange to cover the zip learnt in  a Louise Mabbs' workshop for Oast Quilters. Everyone who attended that event felt this alone justified the day and I have seen it pop up in many members' work since.

To make the zip tab cut a strip 4 or 5" long and twice as wide as the zip plus seam allowances.

Fold in half and sew along the seam line allowing a degree of ease.


Fold and press so the seam is on one side. Cut in half, one piece for each end.

Thread onto the zip so the

 tab seam is on the reverse

 of the zip.

Sew carefully across at the bottom end of the zip - it's counter intuitive - not towards

the body of the zip. (both these photos)

Cut away the excess zip with not-your-best-scissors and carefully pull the tab down right side out.  Repeat at the other end.

To prepare the flange piece cut a 2" strip the width of your cushion and press in half lengthways.

Raw edges aligned sew to one half of your cushion back.

Lay the zip on top right sides together. Sew along the edge of of the teeth.  You will need to stop needle down at one point, raise the foot and negotiate the zip toggle past the needle  and sew to the end. Pull away from the zip.

Note you are sewing along the to top edge of the zip and the flange is enclosed between zip and backing.

With the zip right side up and the first sewn side towards you, place the second half back over the zip  (photo below)and sew along the edge of the teeth and tabs as before making sure you don't catch in flange or the other back.

I folded over the edge of my second cushion back but this was unnecessary.

Press the flange over the teeth.

With zip partially open lay cushion top and back right sides together and sew round all four sides - I go round a second time with a narrow zig in the seam allowance. Make sure the corners are secure.

Trim the back as needed and turn through, pushing out the corners.

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