Saturday 22 February 2020

Out and around on Friday

I absolutely relished the display of Victoria Findlay Wolfe's quilts. What a virtuoso!

And here are other selections from the first half of the quilt displays:

Convex Concave by Laura Ward

Amy Friend's Radiance Quilt, a MQG free to members quilt of the month pattern,

Quadrants by Jessica Levitt and friends is in the Group or Bee section. for quilts made by 3 people or more.

No apologies by Laura Loewen and Boulder MQG members

This is The View from here by Liz Moser in the Fabric Challenge section using the prescribed Indah batik selections.

Detail of the piecing and quilting

This is from the
Individual Youth Section
Click to enlarge and see
the captions.

This is the
accomplished winner
of this section

This is one of several quilts in the Youth Group section made using blocks made by members of the Social Justice sewing Academy

1 comment:

Julie Fukuda said...

Wow, stunning. And not huge crowds so you can actually see them ... and super good lighting. Thanks for the show.