Friday 13 September 2019


I sewed the last stitches of my Map quilt while here. It's been very nice having it on our bed. I call it Map Quilt because the fabric reminds me of the contours on a map - a "proper" map. The original Westminster fabric is framed on the back. I layered 4 repeats and cut them into identical squares or strips. I am making myself use up leftovers once I've completed a top.

The back


Nancy Near Philadelphia said...

Your Map Quilt is gorgeous -- such bright, intense colors. BTW, I've sent you two emails and they've both been returned as Undeliverable. The bad movie I cited was called "Her," about a guy who falls in love with an artificial intelligence being. Awful.

Julie Fukuda said...

Wow! Two quilts in one, and I love the way it came out. I have done stack'n whack in 8 and 6 repeats and I really want to try four. You are going to be my inspiration when I get there.