Tuesday, 16 August 2016

Friends at the Quilt Show

Friends Tracy and Belinda had quilts in the show which attracted lots of admiration.
Tracy's modern quilt was a departure from her usual work using bright solids. I saw her making the top improvisationally in the space of an away weekend and later she big stitch hand quilted it in free designs.
Tracy with her quilt, the first to see as you entered the show.

Belinda's quilt on the other hand has been a long time in the making. The starting point was a vintage quilt of mine. Unusually the plates have 19 spokes and Belinda followed the original by making templates of slightly varying sizes and it all fitted beautifully. She intermixed vintage fabrics with modern versions and then the long task of close beautiful hand quilting began It was a true labour of love, a gift for her daughter.
Belinda and Penny with their quilt, maker and recipient.

Stunning intensive hand quilting.

1 comment:

Julie Fukuda said...

They are both so different but so creative and wonderful. Inspiring quilts and inspiring friends.