of the living as I wasn't very well with some bug last week. The good news is I slept a lot, ate hardly anything and lost half a stone in weight. I did rise from the sick bed each day to move a few more things from the sewing room into the spare bedroom as the floor men came on Thursday. They've got as far as the base but will leave the flooring till next week when it's completely dried out. The decorator is coming tomorrow to paint and paper and will take a few days. Anyway I've temporarily moved up into the sitting room and embarked on the Quilt Show BOM beginning with cutting the border strips. The Usual Suspects are doing this and swapping blocks among ourselves according to a protocol devised by Judi. I thought the first swap was in December but have been advised we are to have finished all the elements by then. Shock and horror. However as our December meeting is our lunch in very nice restaurant I have a respite till January - I'll regard each week as a month and make that my minimum deadline and try to get ahead.
Yesterday was Oast and a super day with talks from Inge Heuber and Phillipa Naylor, both on terrific form and very different. I have no photos because I was too busy TALKING!