Saturday, 1 March 2025

Coming to Fruition

Letterboxes on the bed.

 My letterbox quilt is done bar the label. It's soft and cosy thanks to the brushed cottons and all over hand quilting. It's on the bed keeping us warm these cold days.

The Woolies quilt top is complete and wadding and backing ready to go. I'm psyching myself up to tack it and quilt it, probably in a mix of hand and machine quilting. I have ideas on two and probably three more Woolies quilts, more single bed size. I rushed the border (should have marked the measurements) so it's a bit wobbly.

At the last retreat I made 100 plus "exploding triangles" blocks from 6.5"" units. These are more square in a square as I only did one round  finishing at 7.5", 8" with seams. Anyway I laid them out a row at a time and have sewn 11 rows of 10 blocks. Carefully stored I will take them to the next retreat in May and join the rows, quite tedious sewing, with chat and company around. The jury is out on how much I like these blocks.

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