Monday, 27 January 2025

Oast January meeting

 It was our first meeting of the New Year today and a great start, the speaker being Nancy Adamek of Lina Patchwork.

Seven Sisters

Here's what I wrote on my Blip page

"Nancy of
gave a most wonderful talk on how she came to quilt making and started up her business cutting and selling papers for EPP along with kits and appearing at shows. She is such a skilled and exquisite maker along with being very nice and very efficient. Orders appear in double quick time. 
Her mother was making this quilt for her before she died and Nancy finished it. Tracy giving the vote of thanks finished with "Your mother would be really proud today". Tears all round and not just Nancy's."

and on the Oast Facebook page

"My EPP days are done apart from joining up QOTC BOM blocks I misguidedly signed up to a few years age. It was only by month nine or ten I realised the joining four 1" pieces to make a 2" square and two 1" separate pieces to make a 2x1" oblong was silly I hesitantly asked Nancy if she had 2" square and 1x2" oblong pieces thinking she must think me an idiot when she said "of course" and they arrived pronto and the later blocks look much better as a result. Before her Lina days even I would take Nancy's quilts to Hever and feel very proud to be the bearer of such beautiful pieces. And before that I singled her out as maker of some lovely quilts at Dragonflies shows."

And it was good to see Show & Tell with my Letterbox quilt and Belinda's beautiful Carolyn Forster QAYG BOM from Today's Quilting. I made the latter too but with virtually no hand piecing or quilting. Belinda's superior care and skill shines out (but I still also like mine too!)


Belinda's BOM

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