Wednesday, 22 January 2025

Letterbox Quilt

Letterbox Quilt 73.5x79

 I have so enjoyed making this quilt. I will check out the book that inspired it. I have referred to it in earlier posts. It includes long held scraps of fabrics Laura Ashley scrap bags and dressmaking pieces including my first maternity smock, brushed cotton, viyella, wovens  and shirtings as well as ditsy cottons and lawns.It is a keeper holding memories of earlier times and was made as such. So many of my quilts are made to explore a technique, made in a workshop, to use certain fabrics and made to sell or give away.  Sometimes one of these turns out to be a keeper and sometimes a keeper is disappointing.

The back

Marking proved impossible. Chalk and soap threatened not to rub out or show at all. The wide back was plainish and I could mark slightly wayward flattened clamshells as I went with a frixion pen. I had bigstitch quilted in the ditch first so I could keep reasonably straight. For the rest of the quilting I used regular quilting cotton as I didn't want anything to interfere with the piecing too much. I enjoyed every cosy minute.

Once done I ironed away the markings. I left on excess wadding and backing. I had tacked all round the edge in perle thread at the outset as a guide for quilting so was happy to take it the launderette for washing and drying.

Then I trimmed and bound it using what I had, not "perfect" but cheery. I have the sleeve ready to attach and then will label it. I often incclude a snatch of poetry. The words to the Beatles song "Please, please Mr Postman" suggest themselves.

This is the third quilt finished this year and I have two more "significant" tops awaiting borders.

1 comment:

Julierose said...

This turned out so beautifully--I love that you've used your old clothing and various types of fabrics in it. A "keeper" indeed;))) the quilting looks lovely on the back, too...hugs for a great job Julierose;)))