Wednesday 18 September 2024


 I have had quite a few issues with photos hence the paucity of posts, not of quilty activity. If I take them on my phone, so easy, I have to email them to self and download as Blogger uploading doesn't work on phones. My point and click was broken, now recently repaired. I've bought a new phone which will work underwater. 

So on retreat a week away I will take phone and point and click and try to be good about posting.

My nice fabrics

Speaking of being good I have taken out and sorted all my recent "nice" fabric collections which were all bundled in the cupboard. Now I have to bring myself to use them. . .

First Wednesday in September we had a small Chartham Hatch meeting, just four of us.


Sandra's work is so beautiful. This is a Jen Kingwell design.

And later in the week it was Bonnies. I'm very pleased Bonnie's has got going again though we are concerned about the health of our oldest member who nevertheless has made a very jolly great-grandchild quilt.

And Show and Tell at Oast was good as well:

I know this was Heather's
holding it on right.



Liz is holding up her own quilt.

Sue Moorcroft

Check out these two made from seven panels, one central surround by stack and whack hexagons from the others. And there was a third one too.

Saturday 14 September 2024

Festival of Quilts: Galleries

This was Janice Gunner's; she loves indigo. She has been a very eminent teacher, stalwart Guild member and was one of the people who urged Andrew Salmon to set up the Festival of Quilts.

Small pieces

Wonky Log Cabins, a popular workshop.




The three above pieces are the work of Amy Pabst. 

And here is a magnificent piece from the Guild Collection Gallery.
The patterns are not appliqued but inlaid showing a phenomenal  level of skill.

And here is the lovely
Sarah Hibbert with a 

And her "Happenstance"
quilt now in the Guild


Festival of Quilts : My quilt and Friends'

 My Quilt

This was a belated entry as it's not hugely impressive but that is true of many entries and those tend to be the ones I like. The colours and fabric make it unique.
It was badly lit and dull whereas on the bed in artificial light it glows. Piqued I resolved to sell it and it did so very quickly to a previous customer so it's gone to a good home.
Me in toning dress with my quilt


Tracy's (@sewingtracy) delightful quilt

Combines Liberties
& Gingham

Alice Caroline interviewing
Tracy about her other quilt.

Penny Jeffries' (@penny_jeffries) very unusual quilt.
Penny is a professional screen printer and maker. The owls and
mouse are examples of her work.

Belinda's (@bluebell19670) magnificent Stonefield
quilt, a Susan Smith design but infused with Belinda's
very individual fabric choices and exquisite workmanship.