Sunday 4 October 2020

Current Affairs

Well I have embarked on machine quilting the BOM squares, I had to pluck up courage but now started I am enjoying handling those manageable 18" pieces. Only one complete. though and the second on its way.

I am carrying on  with my Lizzie Albright but feel jinxed. My applique on the Honey Bee is awful. When I look  at the applique on my current BOM block, similar shapes, they are fine. I've also managed to  sort out the Dresden Plate, tedious unpicking and resewing but it's flat and meets if not regular. Again my first Dresden Plate on a cushion upstairs is perfect. And the Old Maid's Puzzle is done, that's six so far.

And I've a third row to the tessellations quilt. Then that's probably it from me for a week but from a week next Tuesday 13th here will be lots of activity.

1 comment:

cityquilter grace said...

wow...that pink is awesome....very nice blocks...good luck with the machine quilting...