Friday, 30 August 2019

Miss September

This is the September block for Siblings Together Bee 3.
It is 15" square and I am providing the centre 5" sq, (unfinished 5 1/2") and the grey background fabric. 
To make it you need (cutting unfinished sizes)
1. Centre square: 5.5"
2. Background grey: four 3" squares; four 3" x 5.5" pieces
3. Fabric A (orange here): four 3" x 5.5" pieces
4. Fabric C (yellow here): four 3" squares; four 3"x 5.5" pieces.

However I opted to strip piece so cut the centre square as above and then 3" x 22+" strips of fabrics A & B (as I was using scraps I had to use two 11+" of each!) 
and a 3" x 12"+  strip of fabric C (yellow here) and of the grey background.
Finally a 3" x 22"+ strip of the background grey.

The + sign means cut a smidgen more to allow for the strip piecing method.
Cut strips all ready to stitch
Method: First join Fabric A and C strips length wise (there will be an extra 12"+ Fabric C strip leftover).
Cut into 5.5" squares. 
Secondly make another strip set with the Fabric C strip and the grey background and cut into 3" x 5.5" slices.
My strip sets

Sewn and cut 

Thirdly add the C/grey slices to the remaining grey strip and sew as shown. Press to create four pieced 5.5" units.
Units added to
grey strip and sewn.

Sewn units ready to arrange

Arrange as follows and sew as you would any nine patch.. 
Pressing direction is optional as I shall add sashing.
Lay out

Sewn rows

The block - again.

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