Saturday, 29 June 2019

Making headway

Final section of basting
I spent the best part of two decades on and off hand piecing blocks in sizes from 3 to 9 inches in multiples of 1.5. As I went I noted how many of each size I had made and the total square inches till I had reached my minimum. Then I made some more. The blocks lay fallow but eventually I took a piece of squared paper, each square to represent 1.5" and drew my 6 squares by 6 nine inch blocks dotted about, then the 7.5" blocks, the 6", 4.5" and 3" filling in remaining spaces with 1.5" squares. I marked sections to be sewn and it involved lots of complicated multiple partial piecing but the sewing was so enjoyable and the drafting plan which had seemed such an obstacle was quick and straightforward to do.
Back and wadding cut and sewn and another pause but I put on my weekly target "sandwich "Joseph's Coat" " and now it is done -  tacking taking three days with respites. 
I have been worried about the quilting but put aside a design that seemed a possibility. The spaces are 1.5" but I may reduce that slightly to allow for drawing in chalk around the templates. I'll stick my photo copy onto card .
Anyway I've made a small piece of 4.5" rail fence units to try out the quilting and thread colours first.
Sample piece tacked ready to try out the quilting pattern.
A picture of the top taken in 2017

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