Wednesday, 25 June 2014

Monday's tea and Tuesday's sewing day for retreaters

Gillian's autumnal quilt with
interesting sashing
Marigold's exploding pineapples with elephants.
Marigold's applique
Belinda's stars
Belinda's polygons
Belinda's tumblers
Judy O's Lone Star
Joy's reversible log cabins
Maggie's buckets and spades
Maggie's cowboys on bucking broncos
Maggie's diamonds
Maggie's flying geese
We basted Judi's flying geese
We basted Judy's modern blocks featuring Moda's
Comma collection
Pork Fillet stuffed with Petit Suisse bought in France
with the bacon cooked on top of it, a wine sauce,
Jersey Royal with parsley butter and fat asparagus


Monday's tea was Sunday lunch deferred as we went to France for a village twinning event and needless to say there was plenty to eat (and drink) there not to mention Flemish games. Tuesday was another day of good food and good company with the retreaters catching up on their progress or not since our time away.

1 comment:

Nancy Near Philadelphia said...

Thank you for taking me on retreat with you. I thoroughly enjoyed it, but you got much more accomplished than I did!