Saturday 6 April 2013

Saturday at the Quilters' Guild Conference

It has been a very packed day today which started with the AGM itself which included a presentation by the curator. After lunch I attended lectures by Gillian Clarke whose work is inspired by medieval times . I saw her quilts based on the work of the months pictured in a magazine more than a decade ago and  it was lovely to see then in the brighter colours of real life. On a sad note she had made a stunning wholecloth cloth using red thread on cream fabric. When on show there was a leak in the venue and the thread ran - something to bear in mind when embarking on a project of this nature. Karin Hellaby followed with an excellent talk on her quilting travels. Her Sew a Row  book with the cover quilt shown here is a very good introduction to useful techniques and her illustrations and explanations are second to none. I had a quick wander round various displays (photos later) before getting ready for the gala dinner which was in the Nottingham Conference Centre with lovely food and one of the best after dinner talks ever from the Chicago School of fusing - we laughed, learnt a lot and burst into song with actions and poured out to climb on the shuttle bus in joyful mood.

Museum presentation

Gillan Clarke's quilts depicting monthly tasks, male and female versions.

A cautionary tale

Karen Hellaby's Sew A Row quilt featured on the cover of her book

Karen Hellaby with another of her quilts

Lecture by Freida Anderson and Laura Wasilowski at the Gala dinner

1 comment:

Julie Fukuda said...

It looks like a wonderful event. Thanks for sharing.